Who we are ...

Top: Group meetings (2020);
Bottom: Labor Day (2022) group hike at Rodeo beach.

Harriet Lau:
Principal Investigator
CV here.

Sevan Adourian:
5th year PhD candidate
Rotational dynamics, theoretical seismology, attenuation at seismic and geodetic timescales.

Manar Al Asad:
3rd year PhD candidate
Geodynamics, long term thermal evolution of the mantle and core, transitions of convective style.

Allie Coonin:
1st year PhD student
Transient rheology and solid Earth-ice-sea level on paleo and modern timescales.

Mrinal Dursun:
3rd year PhD candidate
Full spectrum free oscillations, adjoint methods, theoretical seismology.

Harriet Lau
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences
324 Brook St
Providence, RI 02912

tel: +1 (401) 863-1000
email: harriet_lau (at) brown (dot) edu